Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dawn of the Second...Post?


The exercise that we did in class on February 1st reminded me a lot of grade school when we were told to write a Stream of Consciousness in order to help us plan out our essays, short stories...whatever we happened to be working on at the time. This time, unlike all of those other years, I think it may have actually helped.

Not to mention that, by reading the inkblots of others, the exercise brought me into contact with some thoughts and opinions that I may not have stumbled across all by my lonesome.

We talked about what kind of information we thought would be important to share with people going to see a play. I couldn't help but think of how, last weekend whilst doing homework, I rewatched Disney's Mulan (yeah, I know. It's a classic, give me a break) and how this time around I was able to focus a lot more on the details outside of the main plot because I already knew the gist of the story. For example, the lucky Cricket. He is a lot more entertaining to watch than I would have ever realised had I not rewatched the film.

That's why I think that what kind of knowledge you try to share makes all the difference. Background info that people may not have known beforehand can deepen the experience, helping the audience to appreciate some of the references and nuances that the playwright included to enrich the script.

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