Saturday, April 10, 2010

Reading Into It.

I don't know if we actually are supposed to do a learning blog post this week, but I figured that I might as well while I was thinking about it.

All that I can really say that I thought very deeply about was an extension of what I wrote about last week. When I read "Here Lies Henry" and "This is a Play," I found it really hard not to read into the scripts and analyse them as I would if I were writing some sort of essay on it. It wasn't until that moment that I realised quite how different the readings could be: Reading from an English Major perspective, and reading as an audience, or writing to produce a play.

I found that when I went to write my reflection on reading them, "Here Lies Henry" in particular, it was difficult to restrain myself from turning it into an essay, or an analytical paper as I've already mentioned.

Other than that...I have a lot of thoughts about how plays that are completely character-driven like that one vary from the more plot or device driven ones, but I don't think that that really relates to what I'm supposed to be writing about here, so I'll tuck it away for now.

This is a pretty short learning journal, but in all fairness, we didn't have a class this week.

Happy be-lated Easter.

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