Thursday, March 25, 2010

Technology, the Unreliable.

My most exciting news of the week is that my adapter cable thingy that keeps my laptop alive died, taking with it the battery and my access to all things computery. What I've learnt from this ordeal is quite simple: Completing homework and activities for The Page and the Stage is quite difficult with limited access to the internet.

I did what I could, though. And now I am going to move on....after I make a note for further reference when it comes time to write my final paper: dependability.

This week in class we did some more presentations of plays and research we've done for them, followed by a discussion of each presentation. From this I learnt that sometimes, no matter how many people you have working on the play, they still will probably not be able to cover all of the informatical (yeah, I know it's not a word) bases that ought to be covered to please everyone's thirst for knowledge. For example, none of us thought to do any research on TB, which probably would have been smart.

Moral of the story: To remember that sometimes it is the little details that might mean the most.

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